Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Class Work 2-6 & 2-8 - Five Source Description

Does Female Circumcision Affect Infertility and Fertility? A Study of the Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire, and Tanzania
Larsen, U., & Yan, S. (2000). Does Female Circumcision Affect Infertility and Fertility? A Study of the Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire, and Tanzania. Demography,37(3), 313-321. doi:10.2307/2648044
2. Case Control
3. Case control is used because performing this operation is inhumane. RCT cannot be used. Studies can be made up from people that have experienced this procedure.
4. The study concluded that Female genital mutilation does not increase, nor decrease, fertility. They gathered women that had experienced this procedure at different ages and tracked their fertility. This was then compared to the fertility of the general population.
5. One interesting thing that I found was that fertility is not impacted. I thought that it would decrease fertility.
Does Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Affect Womens Sexual Functioning? A Systematic Review of the Sexual Consequences of FGM/C
Berg, R. C., & Denison, E. (2011). Does Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Affect Women’s Sexual Functioning? A Systematic Review of the Sexual Consequences of FGM/C. Sexuality Research and Social Policy,9(1), 41-56. doi:10.1007/s13178-011-0048-z
2. Systematic Review
3. The method enables research to be conducted. This method is ethical and reasonable for the topic of female genital mutilation.
4. The results of the study was a woman whose genital tissues have been partly removed is more likely to experience increased pain and reduction in sexual satisfaction and desire.
5. One interesting thing that I found in this article is that reconstruction is an option and can increase sexual functioning that was lost.
Female genital mutilation and pregnancy: associated risks
Gayle, C., & Rymer, J. (2016). Female genital mutilation and pregnancy: associated risks. British Journal of Nursing,25(17), 978-983. doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.17.978
2. Case Control
3. Many doctors were involved with this study and saw how FGM impacted pregnancy and childbirth.
4. The results of this study is an increased risk of complications during pregnancy of those with FGM.
5. One interesting thing from this study is that there is a special surgical procedure that can be done for those with FGM.
Female Genital Mutilation and Mental Health: How can Research Help the Victims?
Alachkar, M. (2016). Female genital mutilation and mental health: how can research help the victims? BJPsych Bulletin,40(4), 230-231. doi:10.1192/pb.40.4.230
2. Case-Control.
3. Case control studies are an ethical way of researching what happened to these unfortunate females. It also provides accurate results.
4. The conclusion made by this study is that nothing good comes from FGM and it needs to be eradicated.
5. PTSD can result from FGM.
Female genital mutilation: a hidden epidemic
(statement from the European Academy of Paediatrics)
Sauer, P. J., & Neubauer, D. (2013). Female genital mutilation: a hidden epidemic (statement from the European Academy of Paediatrics). European Journal of Pediatrics,173(2), 237-238. doi:10.1007/s00431-013-2126-0
2. Case-control.
3. Case- control studies are ethical and insightful to the purpose of their intent.

4. The conclusion of this study is to refrain from FGM and start counseling for those who have gone through this procedure.

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